Sunday, February 7, 2016

How do we recognize stress?

You can see stress in a person in many different ways. According to there are four categories that the body will show if you have chronic stress. The first category is cognitive symptoms and these can lead to memory/concentration problems, poor judgement, anxiety and seeing only the negative.The second category is emotional and this includes moodiness, irritability or short temper, agitation, inability to relax, feeling overwhelmed, and just being unhappy. The third category is physical symptoms is aches and pains, Nausea, and chest pain. The last category is behavior and you will have change in appetite/sleep, procrastinating, using alcohol/drugs, or just doing bad habits such as nail biting. Cortisol is the stress hormone that goes into your body and in nature it is released in tense situations. Humans with real jobs can get in stressful situations more than in the wild with jobs, traffic, relationships and financial situations. From the video we watched in class on Thursday we learned that people who were exposed to chronic stress their wholes live have a larger chance of having heart problems and high blood pressure and their DNA strands were literally unravelling.
When I think of chronic stress I think of how president Obama aged very rapidly when in office because it is a very stressful environment. 
There are ways to reduce stress and one of the best ways to reduce stress is to exercise because it gets your mind of your worries and gets out any anger or frustration you have.
Another way of reducing stress is talking to a close friend or relative. Stress thirives off lonliness and isolation so talking to somebody that you care about is calming. 
A third way of reducing stress is setting a relaxation time which can be reading, meditation or anything else that is calming to you.
 This picture is Ohio University's recreation facility Ping and this is a great place to exercise and reduce stress.